Clinicopathological correlation of psychosis and brain vascular burden in
Alzheimer's disease
   Lead Investigator:    Simon Kang Seng Ting
   Institution      :    Department of Neurology, Singapore General Hospita
   E-Mail           :
   Proposal ID      :    381

Publications: 1 Hao Y, Hameed S, Ting S Clinicopathological Investigation of Psychosis in Alzheimer's disease using an Advanced Decision Tree Algorithm 2014 Abstract SingHealth Duke-NUS Scientific Congress ,
2 Ting SKS, Hao Y, Chia PSP, Tan EK, Hameed S Clinicopathological correlation of psychosis and brain vascular changes in Alzheimer's disease Journal Article Sci Rep,6:20858,2017,PMC4751434

Proposal Description: